
Natural Disasters and Human Security
Dr Madoka Futamura is an Academic Programme Officer at the United Nations University Institute for Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP). She holds a Ph.D. in War Studies from Kings College London. Her research interests include transitional justice, peacebuilding, international peace and security. Her works include: War Crimes Tribunals and Transitional Justice: The Tokyo Trial and the Nuremberg Legacy (London: Routledge, 2008); Towards a Human Security Approach to Peacebuilding (UNU Research Brief No. 2, 2010) [co-authored with Edward Newman and Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh]; ‘Transitional Justice in the Afghan Peacebuilding Process: The Potential and Limitations’ in Yuji Uesugi (ed.), Toward Bringing Stability in Afghanistan: A Review of the Peacebuilding Strategy, IPSHU English Research Report Series No.24 (2009).