
  • FUKUSHIMAグローバルコミュニケーション事業(FGC)は2013年4月より、国連大学が実施している研究・情報発信事業です。東日本大震災ならびに福島第一原子力発電所の事故が人々や社会に与えた影響を「人間の安全保障」のアプローチを用いて調査研究を行い、福島でのさまざまな取り組みや議論、問題点を国際社会に発信すると同時に海外有識者の見解・研究成果を日本国内の関係者と共有することを主目的とします。本事業は以下の三つの柱から構成されています:

    1. ネットワークの創造と連携の強化


    2. 情報収集および調査研究


    3. 情報と研究成果の国際社会・国内社会への発信


    FGC は、国連の中立な研究機関である国連大学の立場を活かし、日本から国際社会へと知識や情報を発信すると同時に、福島において刻々と変化する状況に対応するのに不可欠な、国際的な専門的知見の伝達と共有を促進することを目指しています。

  • Kazuhiko Takeuchi

    Senior Vice-Rector, United Nations University

    Director, Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science, The University of Tokyo

    Prof. Kazuhiko TakeuchiKazuhiko Takeuchi is Senior Vice-Rector of United Nations University, Director and Professor of the Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S) at the University of Tokyo. He has served, inter alia, as a chairman of the Central Environment Council, and a vice-chairman of the Food, Agriculture and Rural Area Policies Council, Government of Japan, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Sustainability Science (Springer).

    Educated and trained as a geographer and landscape ecologist at the University of Tokyo, he engages in research and education on creating eco-friendly environments for a harmonious coexistence of people and nature, especially focusing on Asia and Africa. He leads the Satoyama Initiative as well as climate/ecosystem change research in Asia and Africa.

    His recent publications include Satoyama-Traditional Rural Landscape of Japan (co-edited, Springer, 2003), Rebuilding the relationship between people and nature: The Satoyama Initiative (Ecological Research, 25, 891-897, 2010), Sustainability: Engaging in global change thorough harmonious adaptation in Asia (co-authored, Nova Acta Leopoldina, NF112, Nr. 384, 213-226, 2010), Sustainability Science: A Multidisciplinary Approach (co-edited, United Nations University, 2011), and Satoyama-Satoumi Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes of Japan (co-edited, United Nations University, 2012).

    Nicholas Turner

    Programme Officer, UNU-IAS

    Nick TurnerNicholas Turner is a Programme Officer in the Director’s Office at UNU-IAS. His responsibilities include strategic management, programme and project management, liaising with UN and other organizations, research and funding development, institutional governance, reporting and communications. His own research interests lie in multilateral institutions, global governance, development, peace and security, human rights and ethics. Nicholas has published the peer-reviewed books World Religions and Norms of War (co-editor, UNU Press, 2009) and Foreign Direct Investment in Post-Conflict Countries (co-editor, Adonis & Abbey, 2010), as well as chapters in Human Rights Regimes in the Americas (UNU Press, 2010), Legality and Legitimacy in International Order (Oxford University Press, 2011) and An Institutional Approach to The Responsibility to Protect (Cambridge University Press, 2013), among others.

    Nicholas holds an M.A. in International Relations (with Distinction) from the University of Kent at Canterbury, as well as a B.Sc. (Hons) in Business Administration and Computer Science. Prior to joining UNU he worked for local government and several NGOs in Hampshire and Kent, and for QinetiQ Group on the Defence Training Review programme for the British Armed Forces.

    モシニャガ アンナ

    リサーチ アソシエイト

    Ana Mosneaga






    リサーチ アソシエイト

    Akiko Sato佐藤映子博士は、Fukushimaグローバルコミュニケーション事業研究チームの一員として働いている。佐藤博士はカリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校で公衆衛生学博士号を取得。行動科学を専門としながら、在学中に都市計画学を学び、数々のコミュニティーを対象とした研究に携わることにより、公衆衛生に多角的にアプローチする資質・技術を身に着ける。公衆衛生学の学位の他、日本と米国カリフォルニアの正看護師免許を保有している。Fukushimaグローバルコミュニケーション事業研究チームに加わる以前は、世界保健機構エチオピア事務所に勤務。子供や被災した方々など弱い立場におかれた人々の疾患や疾病の予防・マネージメントに強い関心をもつ。本事業では、主に福島原発事故に関連したリスク認識・コミュニケーション研究に従事している。



    Christopher Hobson

    Assistant Professor, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University

    Visiting Research Fellow, UNU-IAS

    Christopher Hobson Christopher Hobson is an Assistant Professor in the School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University. He is also a Visiting Research Fellow at the United Nations University, where he is contributing to the Fukushima Global Communication Programme. Dr Hobson has previously held academic positions at UNU-ISP (2010 – 2013), and the Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University (2008 – 2010). He holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of International Politics from The University of Melbourne, and a Ph.D. in Political Science and International Relations from the Australian National University.

    Dr Hobson is the co-editor of two forthcoming books: Human Security and Natural Disasters and Human Security and Japan’s Triple Disaster: Responding to the 2011 Earthquake, Tsunami and Fukushima nuclear crisis. Both will be published in early 2014 by Routledge. He has published articles in a range of leading International Relations journals, including: Review of International Studies, International Relations, Alternatives, and Millennium. He has also written a series of op-ed pieces on the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident in Japan, which have appeared in The Japan Times and other online media.

    For more information visit http://christopherhobson.net or follow him on Twitter at: @hobson_c

    Asako Toyozumi

    Programme Coordinator, UNU-IAS

    Asako Toyozumi is supporting project planning and implementation of the Fukushima Global Communication Programme

    Kana Moy

    Programme Administrative Associate, UNU-IAS

    Kana Moy is providing various forms of administrative support to the Fukushima Global Communication Programme

    Robert Blasiak

    Communications Consultant, UNU-IAS

    Robert Blasiak is supporting the Fukushima Global Communication Programme’s English-language output as well as its website presence.

  • 鈴木 浩



    舘 かおる



    井上 正

    (一財) 電力中央研究所名誉研究 アドバイザー


    堤 敦朗

    国連大学グローバルヘルス研究所 リサーチ・フェロー


    森 秀行


  • FUKUSHIMAグローバルコミュニケーション事業へのご意見、ご質問は、下記のお問合せフォームよりお送り下さい。



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