Human and Social Impacts of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster

  • DATE / TIME:
    2016•02•16    10:00 - 12:30
    Fukushima City

    UNU-IAS will organize the public symposium Human and Social Impacts of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster: What has been Learned and What Remains to be Learned? in Fukushima City on 16 February 2016.

    The symposium will explore the impacts of the March 2011 disasters, and particularly the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, on people and society, and consider relevant lessons for Japan and the international community. Five years after the disasters, communities and individuals are still faced with difficult challenges in recovering from the disasters, such as protracted displacement, loss of livelihoods, disruption of communities, radiological contamination and safety concerns, and uncertainty about the future.

    The symposium will present research findings and policy recommendations produced by the UNU-IAS Fukushima Global Communication programme, which since April 2013 has been developing understanding of the nuclear disaster by engaging a broad network of both Japanese and international experts. These insights will focus on the programme’s two main research areas: (i) displacement and livelihood recovery, and (ii) risk communication. The symposium will provide a platform for discussion on these issues from a wide range of perspectives, with panellists from academia, government and civil society organizations. The event will encourage active participation by members of the public through an open Q&A session.

    Please note that this event will be held in Japanese, with no interpretation provided.

    For more information, including the event programme and registration details, please visit our Japanese website.