
  • Human Security and Natural Disasters

    Edited by Christopher Hobson, Paul Bacon and Robin Cameron

    Routledge 2014 (196 pages)

    In this edited volume, a comprehensive introduction is provided to the human security approach and its prioritization of individual needs rather than state security. By considering the human security approach within the context of natural disasters, the contributors place emphasis on the primary threats to human security coming not from interstate war, but rather the effects of environmental degradation, famine and civil conflict. Further information from publisher’s website.


    Human Security and Japan’s Triple Disaster

    Edited by Paul Bacon and Christopher Hobson 

    Routledge 2014 (216 pages)

    This edited volume gives a detailed look at the many types of human insecurity caused by the 11 March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami and nuclear accident. Different perspectives are used to demonstrate how the disaster not only created new types of insecurity and vulnerability, but also exacerbated existing issues. Contributors take a number of approaches to the subject including gender studies, sociology and disaster studies. Further information from publisher’s website.